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Suède - Urgence Humanitaire "training"
Conscient que le drapeau des Nations-Unies ne protège plus des attaques et des attentats, l'ONU met en place des stages de "training". Organisés sur une base militaire en Europe du Nord, ils rassemblent entre 25 et 35 participants de toutes nationalités. Au programme : de la théorie bien sûr mais surtout beaucoup de pratique. Simulation d'accident de la route, prise d'otages factices, Contrôle au check point, conduite sur une route minée, évacuation nocturne constituent en effet le socle de cette formation qui ne se veut pas un entraînement militaire. Bien sûr aucune balle réelle n'est tirée mais tout est conçu pour coller à la réalité : les habitants des communes avoisinantes se déguisent en réfugiés et de vrais militaires jouent les paramilitaire.
Aware that the United Nations flag can no longer protect them, the UN has put a training program into place. Organized at a military base in Northern Europe the program consists of between 25 and 35 people of different nationalities. At the program practical outweighs theory - road accidents, imitated kidnappings, check point procedure, driving amongst mines and evacuation procedure are some of the key parts of the training which disassociates itself from military training. Obviously no real shots are fired but everything is designed to generate reality: local inhabitants disguise themselves as refugees and genuine soldiers take part.
The United Nations Secret School
Aware that the United Nations flag can no longer protect them, the UN has put a training program into place. Organized at a military base in Northern Europe the program consists of between 25 and 35 people of different nationalities. At the program practical outweighs theory - road accidents, imitated kidnappings, check point procedure, driving amongst mines and evacuation procedure are some of the key parts of the training which disassociates itself from military training. Obviously no real shots are fired but everything is designed to generate reality: local inhabitants disguise themselves as refugees and genuine soldiers take part.