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Still Standing for Culture, défendre la culture pendant la pandemie
Pendant la première semaine de Mai, plusieurs cinémas, théâtres et salles de musique en Belgique réouvrent leur portes malgré l'interdiction à l'ouverture des lieux culturels reste en place. Ils font partie du mouvement Still Standing for Culture, qui revendique l'urgence à défendre la culture comme bien commun pendant la pandemie. Photos prises pendant la soirée StillStanding cabarets-débats / Sortir de l'urgence, réinventer l'avenir aux Halles de Schaerbeek.
Still Standing for culture: defending culture during the pandemic
During the first week of May, several cinemas, theaters and music halls in Belgium reopen their doors despite the ban on the opening of cultural places remains in place. They are part of the Still Standing for Culture movement, which calls for the urgent need to defend culture as a common interest during the pandemic. Photos taken during the event StillStanding cabarets-debates / Getting out of the emergency, reinventing the future at the Halles of Schaerbeek.