De petits bonhommes curieux se sont perdus dans un château de coton. Ils font des selfies sur une cascade de neige et se protègent du soleil avec de grandes visières fluos.
Dans ce lieu magique au sud-ouest de la Turquie, une source d'eau chaude s'écoule des entrailles de la montagne. Au contact de l'air, cette eau se transforme en carbonate de calcium et crée un paysage féérique connu sous le nom de Pamukkale.
Méandres de calcaire, frissons opalins et dédales d'ivoire. Quelle virtuosité de la matière ! Chaque centimètre carré de cette avalanche de travertin est une ode à la texture. Et, comme des ovnis, des créatures bipèdes aux us et coutumes étranges se promènent sur ces formations de minerai.
Curious little men got lost in a cotton castle. They make selfies on a cascade of snow and protect themselves from the sun with large fluorescent visors.
In this magical place in the south-west of Turkey, a hot spring flows from the bowels of the mountain. On contact with the air, water turns into calcium carbonate and creates a magical landscape known as Pamukkale.
Meanders of limestone, opaline chills and mazes of ivory. What virtuosity of matter! Every square centimeter of this avalanche of travertine is an ode to the texture. And, like aliens, bipedal creatures with strange customs walks on these ore formations.
In this place and for a short time. Neither rivals nor friends. Just strangers. These beings at the antipodes of each other rub shoulders. On the heights of an immaculate relief or at the bend of a path, their encounters sometimes give rise to surrealist face-to-faces.
A being draped in black stares a few seconds this individual wearing a colorful shorts who paddles in the crystal clear water. This same one laughs about a skewer of humanoids, terrorized by the sun, who pull on their sleeves and frantically replace caps and umbrellas. Them, observe a big guy, covered with clay poultices, fumbling not to wallow masterfully on the slippery floor.
This cultural rainbow provokes, by turns, fun, astonishment and curiosity. But soon, won by the wonder and under the charm of this place so singular, they get used to this incredible color chart and continue their strolls in peace.