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Robots agricoles au 7eme FIRA.
Toulouse, France, 2023-02-08. Le 7eme FIRA, Forum international pour les solutions autonomes agricoles, a réuni de nombreux acteurs de la tech agricole, et permis de faire des démonstrations de plein champ. Mêlant agriculteurs, start-ups, innovateurs, chercheurs et étudiants, les robots et solutions autonomes font de plus en plus leur entrée dans les exploitations agricoles.
The 7th FIRA brought together many actors of the agricultural tech industry.
Toulouse, France, 2023-02-08. The 7th FIRA, International Forum for Autonomous Agricultural Solutions, brought together many actors of the agricultural tech industry, and allowed to make field demonstrations. Bringing together farmers, start-ups, innovators, researchers and students, robots and autonomous solutions are increasingly making their way onto farms.