Ex-guerrilla FARC launches 2018 legislative and presidential campaign
On January 28, 2018, at Cuidad Bolivar, popular district in the south of Bogota, the former guerrilla, now political party FARC (Revolutionnary Alternative Force of the Common), gave his first campaign rally for 2018 legislative and presidential elections . The peace deal signed on 2016 ensures 10 seats at the Congress for the new party and during 8 years, to allow his transition to the political life.
Ex-guerrilla FARC launches 2018 legislative and presidential campaign
On January 28, 2018, at Cuidad Bolivar, popular district in the south of Bogota, the former guerrilla, now political party FARC (Revolutionnary Alternative Force of the Common), gave his first campaign rally for 2018 legislative and presidential elections . The peace deal signed on 2016 ensures 10 seats at the Congress for the new party and during 8 years, to allow his transition to the political life.