Deploiement exceptionnel de benevoles aux fetes de Bayonne 2022
Pour ce gros rassemblement annuel, des couvertures sanitaires ont ete mises en place, gerees par le centre de commandement interservices installe a la Maison des Associations a Glain.
Des postes de secours, fixes (sur deux sites) ou temporaires, ont ete montes et administres en bonne entente par deux acteurs incontournables du paysage associatif, la Croix-Rouge Francaise (CRF) et la Protection Civile.
Apportant tout leur savoir-faire et leurs experiences, toutes ces forces vives ont contribue, malgre leurs differences, a la prise en charge des « festayres », quasiment H24. Tous benevoles, qu ils soient Intervenants Secouristes, logisticiens, a l intendance ou cote administration.
Plongee au coeur de l action, de l interieur, derriere les barrieres, a travers les interventions des benevoles de la Croix-Rouge Francaise.
Exceptional deployment of volunteers for the Bayonne 2022 festivities
For this large annual gathering, health blankets have been put in place, managed by the inter-service command center installed at the Maison des Associations in Glain.
First aid posts, fixed (on two sites) or temporary, have been set up and administered in good agreement by two key players in the associative landscape, the French Red Cross (CRF) and Civil Protection.
Bringing all their know-how and experience, all these driving forces have contributed, despite their differences, to the care of the "festayres", almost H24. All volunteers, whether they are first aiders, logisticians, on the stewardship side or on the administration side.
Immersed in the heart of the action, from the inside, behind the barriers, through the interventions of the volunteers of the French Red Cross.