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Manifestation d'etudiants contre le nouveau recteur de la prestigieuse université de Bogazici
Le 6 janvier a Istanbul, des etudiants protestent contre la nomination directe du professeur Bulu au poste de recteur de l'universite Bogazici par le president Erdogan. Le professeur Melih Bulu a ete nomme president de l'universite Bogazici par un decret presidentiel publie le 1er janvier. La nomination de Bulu a suscite de vives critiques tant parmi les etudiants et les universitaires de cette prestigieuse universite que dans la communaute universitaire.
Students protest the direct appointment of the new rector of Bogazici University
On January 6 in Istanbul, students protest the direct appointment of Prof. Bulu as the rector to Bogazici University by the President Erdogan. Prof. Melih Bulu has been appointed as the President of Bogazici University in a Presidential Decree issued on January 1. The appointment of Bulu has sparked harsh criticisms among both the students and academics of this top university as well as in the academic community.