Akunnaaq, grandir au Groenland
Disko Bay, Groenland, pays constitutif du royaume du Danemark depuis sa colonisation. Akunnaaq est un petit village de 60 habitants, inuits. La ville la plus proche est a une heure de motoneige l'hiver, 3/4 d'heure de bateau l'ete.
Ici, comme partout, le mode de vie traditionnel a disparu. Mais les Inuits se re-approprient leur culture, chacun a leur maniere, entre revendication et adaptation. D'une lutte quotidienne pour la survie a une vie entre peche, chasse, tourisme et luttes contre les discriminations, ils forment une societe en pleine transition.
Entre chaleur confinee des interieurs et froid glacial des etendues exterieures ; entre communaute festive et peche solitaire ; entre isolement et connexion internet ; entre chiens de traineau et moto-neige : un monde intermediaire...
Aujourd'hui, l'identite inuit est plurielle, bien vivante.
Akunnaaq, growing up in Greenland
Disko Bay, Greenland: a constituent country of the Kingdom of Denmark since its colonization. Akunnaaq is a small village of 60 Inuit inhabitants. The nearest town is one hour away by snowmobile in the winter and 3/4 of an hour by boat in the summer.
Here, as everywhere, the traditional way of life has disappeared. But the Inuit are reappropriating their culture, each in their own way, between claim and adaptation. From a daily struggle for survival to a life between fishing, hunting, tourism and the fight against discrimination, they form a society in full transition.
Between the confined heat of the interiors and the icy cold of the outdoors; between a festive community and solitary fishing; between isolation and internet connection; between sled dogs and snowmobiles: a world in between...
Today, the Inuit identity is plural and alive.