Le 27 fevrier 2022, lors de la fashion week de Milan, dans un evenement en dehors du programme officiel organise par B 20 events au Palazzo Barozzi et comprenant les defiles de cinq designers differents, la designer ukrainienne Vel Yurchenko presente la collection enfant de sa marque By Vel. La plupart des jeunes modeles qui defilent pour elle sont egalement ukrainiens. Chaque enfant arbore un drapeau ukrainien maquille sur le revers de la main droite. Lors du final du defile, deux enfants portent un drapeau ukrainien confectionne avec des tissus de la collection, sous les applaudissements de la salle. La designer entre en scene en pleurs, portant sa fille vetue aux couleurs ukrainiennes et aux joues peintes du drapeau national. Visiblement tres affectee, elle repart rapidement apres la fin du defile, alors que la plupart des autres designers presents restent pour elargir leur reseau. Deux autres designers ukrainiens etaient censes participer a cet evenement mais ont du annuler leur participation en raison de la guerre qui frappe leur pays.
On February 27, 2022, during the Milan Fashion Week, in an event organized by B 20 events at Palazzo Barozzi (not part of the official programme), the Ukrainian designer Vel Yurchenko presents the children s collection of her brand By Vel, along four other designers. Most of the young models who walk for her are also Ukrainian. Each child wears a Ukrainian flag made up on the back of the right hand. At the finale of the show, two children carry a Ukrainian flag made from fabrics from the collection, to the applause of the room. The designer enters the stage in tears, carrying her daughter dressed in Ukrainian colors and cheeks painted with the national flag. Visibly very affected, she left quickly after the end of the show, while most of the other designers present stayed to expand their network. Two other Ukrainian designers were supposed to participate in this event but had to cancel their participation because of the war in their country.