Cabane des gilets jaunes de la place des fêtes, Paris, 2019
Place des fêtes, Paris 19ème. Ce 9 mars, à la nuit tombante, ils sont une vingtaine assis dans le froid sur des chaises colorées et des tabourets en bois. La plupart ont un gilet jaune sur les épaules. Tous les mardis soir sur la place des Fêtes, c'est jour d'assemblée générale. Faute de ronds-points, les gilets jaunes parisiens se sont installés aux pieds des tours du 19e arrondissement. Voilà bientôt deux mois que ça dure. C'est le seul point de ralliement qui a tenu aussi longtemps dans la capitale.
Yellow jackets hut in place des fetes
Place des fêtes, Paris 19ème - This March 9th, at dusk, there are about twenty of them sitting in the cold on colourful chairs and wooden stools. Most of them have a yellow vest on their shoulders. Every Tuesday evening on the Place des Fêtes, it is the day of the General Assembly. For lack of roundabouts, the yellow waistcoatsPlace des fêtes, Paris 19th - This 9 March, at dusk, there are about twenty of them sitting in the cold on colourful chairs and wooden stools. Most of them have yellow waistcoats on their shoulders. Every Tuesday evening on the Place des Fêtes, it is the day of the General Assembly. Due to the lack of roundabouts, the Parisian yellow waistcoats have settled at the foot of the towers of the 19th arrondissement. It's been going on for almost two months now. It is the only rallying point that has lasted this long in the capital. Parisians have settled at the foot of the towers of the 19th arrondissement. It's been going on for almost two months now. It's the only rallying point that has lasted this long in the capital.