We will Meet Again
Ce projet est une collaboration avec Bedri Diril, fils de Simoni et Hurmuz Diril. Il raconte l'histoire de sa famille, installé dans le petit village chrétien de Meer au milieu des montagnes de Sirnak et Hakkari. La famille Diril a vecu longtemps dans ce petit village assyro-chaldéen, completement coupé du reste du monde. Ce projet photo se concentre sur l'incident tragique qui c'est déroulé en janvier 2020, ou Hurmuz et Simoni Diril ont été enlevé de leurs maison sans explications. Plus que de parler de la situation de la famille, c'est un projet qui aborde la situation des minorités chrétiennes dans cette partie du monde. C'est un projet qui se concentre sur un incident tragique, sur le destin d'une famille qui vit sur les lieux d'un conflit permament entre le Gouvernement Turque et le PKK (Kurdistan Worker's Party).
We Will Meet Again
This project is a collaboration with Bedri Diril, children of Hurmuz and Simoni Diril. It aims to tell his story. ?We will meet again? is located in the village of Meer, a very small Assyrian and Chaldean village in the middle of the Sirnak and Hakkari mountains. The Diril family lived for many years in this place, lost in the mountains, completely cut from the rest of the world. This story mainly focuses on the abduction of Simoni and Hurmuz Diril in January 2020. It is a photographic documentary that tells the story about the village of Meer and the kidnapping of Bedri?s parents. It is an overview of the situation of the Christian community in this region of Turkey, but also a more intimate and emotional approach of the loss of the people we love. It is a focus on this tragic case deeply rooted in a conflict which lasts for decades and still happening today between the PKK otherwise known as the Kurdistan?s Workers Party, the Turkish Government, and the minorities living in the region.