Jean Lassalle, pour Libé
Portrait de Jean Lassalle, chez lui en Vallée d'Aspe. Pour le Journal Libération.
Portrait of Jean Lassalle
Portrait of Jean Lassalle, at his home in the Aspe Valley.
He was mayor of Lourdios-Ichère from 1977 to 2017 and deputy from 2002 to 2022. Noted for his speeches in the National Assembly, he gained national notoriety with his hunger strike to prevent the departure of the Toyal factory from the Aspe Valley.
After founding the Résistons movement, he ran in the 2017 presidential election, where he finished seventh out of eleven candidates, with 1.2% of the votes cast. Running in the 2022 presidential election, he obtained 3.1% of the votes, finishing seventh out of twelve candidates.
After twenty years in the National Assembly, he did not seek a new mandate in his constituency in the 2022 legislative elections and supported the candidacy of his brother Julien Lassalle, who was not elected.