Gardiens de l'Amazonie
Cette série est une galerie de portraits de celles et ceux qui s'engagent au quotidien pour la préservation de la biodiversité en Guyane et pour la sauvegarde d'un des derniers poumons verts de la terre.
Guardians of the Amazon
French Guiana, an overseas department and region, is France's largest terrestrial biodiversity reserve.
With a natural balance that has been severely undermined by gold fever, rampant urbanisation and poorly controlled exploitation of marine resources, French Guiana has unique assets that can make it a model of sustainable development that respects biodiversity. So how can nature conservation be reconciled with growing human pressure?
Ethologists, scientists, teacher-researchers, tree pruners and marine biologists are all trying to find an answer... A wide range of experienced people are working every day to preserve the natural riches of this vast Amazonian territory and the people who live there.
These men and women are waging a relentless battle to effectively combat the pressures weighing on this endangered territory, which has been weakened by man-made threats. Conserving the fauna, limiting human interaction, educational work, inventories, preserving and improving knowledge of the flora... each in their own way, locally and concretely, to calm the ardour of a voracious civilisation that is rapidly gaining ground on the green canopy.
Let's take a look at these shadowy guardians who are working to protect one of the planet's last green lungs.