Performance artistique d'Olivier Urman, Vernissage en confinement devant son atelier à St-Ouen-Sur-Seine
Ce jeudi 16 avril a 18h, face la conjoncture particuliere liee au confinement mondial, Olivier Urman a organise un vernissage selon les regles du confinement.Il a presente 11 oeuvres inedites sur le trottoir devant son atelier, derriere un cordon sanitaire. Les invites ne devaient pas depasser ce cordon et respecter les distances et gestes barrieres entre eux. Un verre de vin a neanmoins ete distribue aux personnes presentes tout en respectant l hygiene des contenants.
Les oeuvres presentees illustrent parfaitement le confinement, elles representent l ensemble d un musee en modele reduit, le coffrage blanc representant le batiment. C est donc le musee entier qui est expose sur deux treteaux. L exposition a dure deux heures pile
Artist performance by Olivier Urman, Vernissage en confinement in front of his studio in St-Ouen-Sur-Seine
This Thursday, April 16th at 6pm, in the face of the particular situation linked to global confinement, Olivier Urman organized a vernissage according to the rules of confinement, presenting 11 unpublished works on the pavement in front of his studio, behind a cordon sanitaire. Guests were not allowed to go beyond this cordon and had to respect the distances and gestures between them. A glass of wine was nevertheless distributed to those present while respecting the hygiene of the containers.
The works presented are a perfect illustration of confinement, they represent the whole of a museum in a reduced model, the white formwork representing the building. It is therefore the entire museum which is exhibited on two trellises. The exhibition lasted two hours sharp.