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Manifestation contre la loi immigration
Perpignan, 21 janvier 2024, manifestation et rassemblement contre la loi asile et immigration du gouvernement, portée par Gerald Darmanin, a quelques jours de son analyse par le Conseil Constitutionnel.
Une loi d'extreme droite selon les syndicat CGT et FSU en tête comme les associations dont Welcome 66, TPMP ou encore LGBT+ 66.
Demonstration against the immigration law
Perpignan, January 21, 2024, demonstration and rally against the government's asylum and immigration law, promoted by Gerald Darmanin, a few days before its analysis by the Constitutional Council.
An extreme right-wing law, according to the CGT and FSU trade unions in the lead, as well as associations including Welcome 66, TPMP and LGBT+ 66.