TAIWAN - 228
Le massacre 228, est un soulevement populaire anti-gouvernemental a Taiwan qui a debute le 28 fevrier 1947, et qui a ete violemment reprime par le Parti nationaliste chinois au pouvoir le Kuomintang, alors dirige du continent par Chiang Kai-shek. Les estimations du nombre de morts varient de 10 000 a 30 000 individus. Ce massacre marque le debut de la Terreur Blanche pendant laquelle des dizaines de milliers de Taiwanais ont ete portes disparus, morts ou emprisonnes. L incident est l un des evenements les plus importants de l histoire moderne de Taiwan et a donne un elan majeur au mouvement d independance de Taiwan.
Le 28/02/2022, des centaines de Taiwanais se sont donc rassembles dans une marche commemorative pour celebrer les 75 ans du massacre 228. Une marche solennelle et intergenerationnelle, marquee par une importante convergence des luttes, ou aux cotes des pancartes rondes vertes indiquant "228", etaient egalement presentes celles en soutien a l Ukraine et Hong-Kong, d autres encore exhortant a la fin du nucleaire ou bien-sur affirmant l independance de Taiwan face a la Chine.
TAIWAN - 228
The 228 massacre, is a popular anti-government uprising in Taiwan that began on February 28, 1947, and was violently repressed by the ruling Chinese Nationalist Party: the Kuomintang, then led from the mainland by Chiang Kai-shek. Estimates of the number of dead vary from 10,000 to 30,000. This massacre marked the beginning of the White Terror, during which tens of thousands of Taiwanese were reported missing, dead or imprisoned. The incident is one of the most important events in modern Taiwanese history and gave a major impetus to Taiwan's independence movement.
So on 02/28/2022, hundreds of Taiwanese gathered in a memorial march to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the 228 massacre. A solemn and intergenerational march, marked by an important convergence of struggles, where alongside the green round signs indicating "228", were also present those in support of Ukraine and Hong-Kong, others still exhorting the end of nuclear power or of course affirming the independence of Taiwan from China.