King Qinshan est l un des plus grands festivals taoistes taiwanais, qui s est tenu ce week-end, loin de toute preoccupation liee a la Covid qui y a ete jugulee de maniere exemplaire. Il s agit du " grand festival rituel du roi Qingshan ", a Taipei. Le palais du roi Shangong est un temple magique dedie a la principale divinite, le " Roi Qinshan ", le dieu qui elimine les fleaux et les catastrophes pour le peuple. La legende veut que le Roi Qinshan envoie ses generaux en voyage nocturne pour inspecter les lieux, recompenser les bonnes actions et punir le mal, et attraper les esprits qui font souffrir le peuple pour les purifier. Autrefois, l atmosphere de la deambulation etait solennelle et calme, et les gens marchaient tranquillement la nuit pour minimiser le bruit et la clameur. De nos jours, les visites inopinees sont progressivement devenues plus vivantes, jusqu a atteindre leur paroxysme cette annee avec plus de feux d artifices et de petards que jamais.
King Qinshan is one of the biggest Taiwanese Taoist festivals. It occured this weekend, far from any concern related to the Covid which was held there in an exemplary way. It is also called the "Great Ritual Festival of King Qingshan", in Taipei. King Shangong's palace is a magical temple dedicated to the main deity, "King Qinshan", the god who eliminates plagues and disasters for the people. Legend has it that King Qinshan sent his generals on a night journey to inspect the place, reward good deeds and punish evil, and catch the spirits that make people suffer to purify them. In ancient times, the atmosphere of the wandering was solemn and calm, and people walked quietly at night to minimize noise and clamor. Nowadays, the unexpected visits have gradually become more lively, reaching a climax this year with more fireworks and firecrackers than ever before.