Johan et Robert sont freres et pechent chaque jour depuis 15 ans au large des milliers d?iles sauvages du sud-ouest de la Suede.
C?est sur cette cote que se trouve 80% de l?activite de peche suedoise. Cette activite reste principalement artisanale pour preserver la nature, les fonds marins et la faune aquatique qui regale locaux et touristes. Ce jour du mois d?octobre, nous quittons le port a 5h du matin et rentrerons à 18h00. C?est le quotidien des deux marins. Tout est millimetre, chaque geste se repete avec agillite a chaque levee de casiers. Aujourd?hui c?est langoustines au programme. Les crabes et poissons sont rejetes à la mer. Et en fin de parcours, nous faisons un tour plus proche des cotes dans l?espoir de trouver «l?or noir»: le homard. Seules des langoustes pleines d?oeufs sont prises, donc relachees. Johan et Robert n?ont pas succede a leur parents, ils ont choisi la peche apres d?autres carrieres entamees. Le rapport a la nature, «avoir pour seule patronne la mer» est un reve realise.
Ils n?apprecient pas les quelques gros armateurs qui pechent au filet et abiment autant leurs casiers que les fonds marins. Mais dans cette region la preservation de la biodiversite est primordiale et la majorite des du marche de la peche travaillent dans ce sens.
Johan and Robert are brothers and have been fishing every day for 15 years off the thousands of wild islands in southwest Sweden.
It is on this coast that 80% of the Swedish fishing activity is located. This activity remains mainly artisanal to preserve nature, the sea bed and the aquatic fauna which regale locals and tourists.This day of October, we leave the port at 5 am and return at 6 pm. This is the daily life of the two sailors. Everything is meticulous, each gesture is repeated with agility at each lifting of the traps. Today it is langoustines on the program. Crabs and fish are thrown back into the sea. And at the end of the trip, we went closer to the coast in the hope of finding the "black gold": the lobster. Only lobsters full of eggs were caught, so they were released. Johan and Robert did not succeed their parents, they chose fishing after other careers. The relationship with nature, "having the sea as my only boss" is a dream come true.They do not appreciate the few big shipowners who fish with nets and damage their traps as much as the sea bed. But in this region the preservation of biodiversity is essential and most of the actors of the fishing market are working in this direction.