Reception de Joe BIDEN, president des Etats Unis d Amerique et son epouse, Jill Biden au Palais de l Elysee
Emmanuel Macron, president de la Republique francaise et son epouse, Brigitte Macron recoivent Joe BIDEN, president des Etats Unis d Amerique et son epouse, Jill Biden au Palais de l Elysee a Paris, France, le 8 juin, 2024.
Reception of Joe BIDEN, President of the United States of America and his wife Jill Biden at the Elysee Palace
The president of France, Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Macron receive Joe BIDEN, President of the United States of America and his wife Jill Biden at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France on 8th June, 2024.