Fukushima nuclear disaster - Ghost town
Futaba, Tomioka, Namie.... Many towns and villages were evacuated after the nuclear disaster in 2011. Today, life can resume almost normally, at least that is what the authorities would like. The places have been partly decontaminated, new buildings have been erected, new stations have been built. But for the moment, the return of the inhabitants is not happening and the places look like ghost towns left in a hurry 12 years earlier. Many have rebuilt their lives elsewhere and do not see themselves returning to a disaster area.
At the roadside, gas stations display 2011 prices, in abandoned houses, 2011 calendars are hung on the walls. Along the national roads, supermarkets are still full of 2011 products, now dusty and thrown to the ground by the countless earthquakes that continuously shake the region. Coming back to the Fukushima nuclear power plant is a trip back in time.
Fukushima nuclear disaster - Ghost town
Futaba, Tomioka, Namie....many towns and villages were evacuated after the nuclear disaster of 2011. Today life can resume almost normally, at least that is what the authorities would like. The places have been partly decontaminated, new buildings have been erected, new stations have been built. But for the moment the return of the inhabitants is not done and the places look like ghost towns left in a hurry 12 years earlier. Many have rebuilt their lives elsewhere and do not see themselves returning to a disaster area and deserted.
Along the roadsides, gas stations display 2011 prices, in abandoned houses 2011 calendars hang on the walls. Along the national roads, supermarkets are still full of 2011 products, now dusty and thrown to the ground by the countless earthquakes that continuously shake the region. Coming back to the Fukushima nuclear power plant is a trip back in time.