Weather is sweet - (LA)HORDE - Chaillot - Paris - 02/11/2022
We should have never walked on the Moon, exposition performative et dansée de (LA)HORDE avec le Ballet National de Marseille BNM au Théâtre National de la Danse de Chaillot. Weather is sweet, pièce chorégraphique pour 6 danseur.euse.s du BNM (création 2022), avec Titouan Crozier, Myrto Georgiadi, Eddie Hookham, Jonathan Myhre Jorgensen, Paula Tato Horcajo, Elena Valls Garcia.
Weather is sweet - (LA)HORDE - Chaillot - Paris - 11/02/2022
We should have never walked on the Moon, performative and danced exhibition of (LA)HORDE with the Ballet National de Marseille BNM at the National Dance Theater of Chaillot. Weather is sweet, choreographic piece for 6 dancers of the BNM (creation 2022), with Titouan Crozier, Myrto Georgiadi, Eddie Hookham, Jonathan Myhre Jorgensen, Paula Tato Horcajo, Elena Valls Garcia.