Mobilisation Internationale Stop Mega-Bassines
Le vendredi, en quittant le village pour rejoindre les voitures aux parkings, la gendarmerie a nasse un cortege et a tire des grenades lacrymogenes sur les militants pour les empecher d'atteindre les parkings. La garde republicaine a cheval etait presente. Une fois les parkings atteints, les militants sont partis en direction du site de Terrena a Migne-Auxances. Dans ce meme temps, une bassine de l'industriel Pampr'oeuf a pu etre neutralisee par 600 cyclistes pendant que plus de 6000 manifestants ont tente d'approcher le site de Terrena en vain apres que la gendarmerie ait tire plusieurs grenades lacrymogenes ce qui a incendie le champ.
International Mobilization Stop Mega Basins
Two parallel demonstrations were held in Migne-Auxances on Friday and in La Rochelle on Saturday. On Friday, as they left the village to join the cars at the parking lots, the gendarmerie formed a cortege and fired tear gas at the activists to prevent them from reaching the parking lots. The mounted Republican Guard was present. Once they had reached the parking lots, the activists set off in the direction of the Terrena site at Migne-Auxances. At the same time, 600 cyclists neutralized a tank belonging to Pampr'oeuf, while more than 6,000 demonstrators tried to approach the Terrena site, in vain, after the gendarmerie fired several tear gas grenades, setting the field ablaze.