Bretagne, la production détruite d'un agriculteur bio
France, Trévou-Tréguignec, 23/11/08. Dans les Côtes d?Armor en Bretagne, Guillaume Troadec est agriculteur bio. Les tempêtes ont causé d?énormes dégâts sur son exploitation. Plusieurs tunnels ont été détruit. Il va perdre une grosse partie de sa production. L?assurance le couvre mais ne prend pas en charge ses serres car elles sont trop vieilles. Guillaume et sa femme font donc une campagne Leetchi en comptant sur la solidarité citoyenne.
Brittany, the destroyed production of an organic farmer.
France, Trévou-Tréguignec, 23/11/08. In the Côtes d'Armor region in Brittany, Guillaume Troadec is an organic farmer. The storms have caused significant damage to his farm. Several greenhouses have been destroyed, and he is going to lose a substantial portion of his production. His insurance covers some of the damage but does not provide coverage for his older greenhouses. Guillaume and his wife have started a Leetchi campaign, relying on the support of the local community for assistance.