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Simone Logar, Sage-femme de Berlin, prend soin des réfugiés enceintes
More than a million asylum seekers reached Germany over the last year. One out of three women arriving in Berlin is pregnant.
Midwife Simone Logar has met hundreds of women who made the dangerous trip to Europe while pregnant. She has been working as a volunteer at Berlin main registration center LaGeSo, where they have a health center, although with many practical problems.
(Photo/ Zacharie Scheurer)
Midwife from Berlin is taking care of pregnant refugees
More than a million asylum seekers reached Germany over the last year. One out of three women arriving in Berlin is pregnant.
Midwife Simone Logar has met hundreds of women who made the dangerous trip to Europe while pregnant. She has been working as a volunteer at Berlin main registration center LaGeSo, where they have a health center, although with many practical problems.
(Photo/ Zacharie Scheurer)